Thursday, June 9, 2016

Dharma Dante's Teachings!

Dante's Way

Dante models patience, forgiveness, and presence. 

His lessons in humility are wondrous. He has seldom been angry, most often when I am insistant against his wishes. Other times he just resists but goes along with my wishes. 

From his perspective, the problem goes more like this: "Show more consistency, Papa Scott!" How difficult do you need to make it? Can't you understand what it is I desire?

"Ok, so it is hard for me to stay so close all the time."

Ok, so when you call me I don't come running right back."

You are paying more attention and I like that. Eye contact and gentleness really helps me to tolerate all the restrictions and limitations you put on me.

Just what is the need for me to be on the leash so very often? And, now the short lease where you keep on whispering "heel" until I accept you're serious then I heel and the next thing I hear is "good boy"; which often simply meant I had checked in and was good to go.

Then when I would out you would scold.

And, when you spend quite a bit of time preparing your meals you take just a scant minute to serve up my food from bags! Sometimes I am hungry but so put off and insulted by your mindlessness that I refuse to eat even though I am ravished!

Still. I love how you rub my tummy and make sure I go with you. How you give me fresh water every day and let me play with other dogs, some of the time.

Ho, O'pano, o'pano, o'pano, o'pano. 

Forgive me
I'm so sorry
I love you
Thank you!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Heading South

Well, for openers, I (we) almost lost Dante the other day.

A fence crawler and an independent cuss when off the leash will go off on his own. That requires I keep a sharp eye on him and attempt to keep one step ahead. Increasingly it means when he is outside away from me he be on a leash!

So, he has found a couple of loop-holes to get out into the bigger world at our Baja home retreat. One I fixed. This was too easy for him. The three foot wall along the South side of the entry walk he figured where he could jump up, avoiding cactus spines and then jump, four feet or so down to the street where there are stairs that lead down to the surf.

Now, mind you, this is El Nino where the surf has, like last night, come high with a vengeance, washing away tons of sand and rocks or piling up tons of sand and rock (not to mention tons of plastic debris from microscopic to plastic bottles, styrofoam blocks, etc. . . . disgusting and scary) and doing so with a roar. At times this place is not restful as the surf roar is constant and troubling! TV news is full of roads and homes being eroded away. Fortunately our home is protected by deep concrete pilings and a thick and strong storm wall. Still . . . 

That loop hole I fixed, temporarily by piling up picnic benches such that he could not jump up on the wall. It seemed that it work.

The second one I thought I fixed by piling up firewood such that he would not scale. That hole in the yard has him crawling along the North side of the house, jumping over a short wall and going into the neighbors yard. Then, out through the iron bar protective barrier gate leading into the street, Calle Playa.

The gate bars are too far apart and Dante can easily squeeze through.

Mind you, again, he is probably just finding a discrete place to poop. When on walks he always (well, almost always) finds a place off the the side of paths or roads where he can poop such that his scat will not be scattered, by stepping on, or, whatever.

Regardless, That “fix” was not fixed and he found a way to get through this morning, during high tide and storm waves crashing.

While fixing my morning coffee I let him out, assuming he would stay close. 


Something pulled me away so I went out to see if I could get him in. I called and he did not respond. Looking around I couldn’t find him. Images of him being swept out to sea surged through me.

I went to the outer wall and looked down onto the beach, which at that moment was revealing the beach as while the tide was high there was a ebb in the waves. 

“No, Dante run!”

Yep, there he was wet as a wet rag doll high-tailing it back to the stairs leading up away from the beach. He was sopping wet and running fast as he could with fear in his eyes.

He just went to have a discrete poop (my assumption) and got caught up in a big wave. Thank God I wasn’t on the beach when he got washed out or I might have tried to rescue him, in spite of all the warnings that dogs are good swimmers, much better than people.

So happy when he came squeezing through the “fixed” fire wood pile barrier wet and so happy to see me. It didn’t take him but a flash to squeeze through the front gate, over the fence and through the wood pile. (Needless to say I will create a “Dante proof” barrier.)

I quickly picked him up in a towel and took him into the shower, turned the hot water on and when it was warm enough plopped him under the spout and gave him a good scrubbing. He shiveringly accepted the flowing warm water and subsequent wipe down. 

Smelling burnt coffee I remembered I “stepped away” just for a moment to get Dante . Coffee was burnt and milk boiling creating a nice mess on the stove. Turned off the burners and went back to drying him off good and well. Then, stove clean-up.

He is now curled up on his bed. Shivers are over. Hopefully he has learned a lesson. I certainly have. Before he is allowed out on his own I will upgrade and Dante proof all exits!!!

It makes me wonder, when I hear about El Nino storms and rains, (the severity unheard of due to Global Warming and a warmer than common Pacific waters driving the storms) whether this is the best Winter for me to be traveling South. 

Where will I find warmth and sun, storm free and secure from storm damaged roads and homes? Where, this year, can I find a quiet and relaxing place to be on “sabbatical” and to turn my attention to my writing my autobiography (now 26 pages and 9100 words strong).

What about my friends and family? How are they all doing? Am I needed elsewhere, with my new role as an “Itinerate Helper”? Not just a shamanic psychotherapist but as a “fix-it” guy?

Well, today, Friday the 15th the storms this far south are not bad. At least for now.


Dante and I will set off on the 20th. Head South and be in El Cardonal by the 5th of February. That will give us plenty of time to explore the areas, beaches and towns between here and there.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

We Made It: To Baja!

After months of plans promises and preparations, many prolonged and delightful visits
to the homes of friends and family, many time outs for truck and Avion upgrades, we
finally crossed the border into Baja California. Yeah!
Now in San Antonio del Mar, a small gated community north of Rosarita Beach, we are
enjoying the lullaby rhythm of the Pacific waves, the food and flavors of Baja; and,
again, the comfort and enjoyment of family. We are at my sister and brother-in-laws
beach front home, Playa Numero Uno.
Having been here a number of times in the past many memories of self and others are
in abundance. Photos, art works, customs and patterns all awaken old thoughts and
feelings. More stuff to let go of is encased in some of these experiences.
Not too surprising, Joanne figures strongly in the memories, as does Gabriel and Kathy,
Gabriel’s mom. I believe it was here. Although one strong memory may have come from
Ensenetas, further to the South.
What stands out in my mind was Gabriel and some Mexican boys having bottle rocket
battles. It must have been around New Years, maybe 30 some years ago, Gabe must
have been 11 or 12. I just remember seeing the rockets shooting parallel to the beach
and then aware that they were coming from two directions. My protective, and maybe
over-protective fathering had me running down to the beach and aggressively stopping
the madness! Images of the kids being so excited that they missed seeing a rocket
coming at them till it was too late. Eyes put out, etc. Anyway, I raised my voice and
stopped the “fight” and probably shamed my son . . . again.
These thoughts carried on as the day wore on and entered my dreaming and the
discussions of the following day. Today.
Our conversations today, 10:00 am, have to do with assuming responsibility for other’s
actions, e.g. diet and health. Some believe that once you are 21, an adult, you “should”
be able to make responsible decisions and live up to them.
OMG! As the short version of “I can’t believe that or you” is often expressed.
My response is that we also have our wounded selves to contend with. If wounded at
four then that four year old self will still be in on the act.
My sense of security and self-concept was shattered when four when I went to a
kindergarten school and the teacher was angry and punitive. Not to me so much as
more a result of my being hurt when another kid not liking my art work ruined it. The
teacher made him eat that paper! I was so scared (traumatized) that later I was afraid to
raise my hand to go to the toilet. I ended up pooping in my pants on the way home from
school. That combination of shameful experiences continued to embarass and shame
me for years. Far beyond my being 21. I am still anxious about my art work and how it
will be received. Oh, my gosh (OMG) what will they think?
We Made it: To Baja
My big issues also have to do with sexual trauma when I was introduced to sexual play
at eight and liked it so much that I went about teaching other kids. That was quickly
stopped and I was, again toxically shamed around body functions. Needless to say my
sexuality went underground for far too long and when it did surface it did so with a
vengence, bringing about a promiscuity that created many problems for myself and
loved ones.
Our culture shames and traumatizes and then expects people to “get over it” by
punishing, shaming, burying, blaming, locking up, etc. So full of more shame and blame.
And, my traumas were light, compared to those received during wars, alcoholic or drug
abuse families and other more catastrophic events.
So much of my needing to take this time away from my past is to be able to come to
center with my self. Time to be able to move in my growing default sense of “Festina
Lente”, making haste . . . slowly.
Slowing down and reflecting on who I am, how my patterns developed, where there is a
need for more attention, compassion and forgiveness for self and other.
I do, as so many of us do, have everything that I need. All that is necessary is to find
and make a time and place to do the work and the commitment to do so.
It is tempting to just say, “To hell with it!” and move to Baja and become one of the many
expatriates that have chosen to do so to get away from the craziness and woundedness
of the past, as well as to be able to afford a slower and more abundant life style than is
afforded in the USA. I could do that, except that I choose to be close to my son and
grand-sons such that I can help to provide a stable support system for such
woundedness as I experienced to more readily be embraced and released. To be handy
in case of small or big catastrophic events; or, whatever.
Ancestors, help me to heal the Wounds of the Past that I may consciously and
intentionally open those doors and enter through that lead to healing, health,
happiness and wholeness. May I become Whole, Holy and Wholesome!
Blessings on All!

We Made it: To Baja

Monday, December 21, 2015

The Sun Returns and We Celebrate!


Twenty some days since our last posting!

A great journey after Nevada City. Full of challenges and opportunities, once again. And, also, full of happiness and cheer. Seems like we are well received wherever we go.

First, the truck was fixed effectively if not permanently (what?). The axle seal was replaced after about 10 days of waiting as the shop we go to in Nevada City was very busy (Douglas Auto: a great place to have your vehicles fixed). I had let them know that if it was fixed by a certain date a week or ten days in the future it would work for me. It was; and, the snows on Hwy 80 were such that they could have taken an extra day or so. While my rig would handle the winds and snow I chose to stay with Joanne in comfort! My default, I guess.

The next day, the 13th of December we head for family in Southern California, hoping to find some hot springs to indulge in on our way South. 

The day was beautiful and the drive delightful. But cold. We stayed in Minden, Nevada. Seven (7) degrees that night and the Avion's furnace stank and did not keep even a thimble of water warm (metaphorically speaking)! Froze our butts off. We bundled up and made it through the night. We stayed in a Casino RV park and I took advantage of the restaurants and ate comfortably and well, if not my usual fare.

The next day we hit the road early seeking more warmth. We found it in Lone Pine, one of my favorite places to visit, where it was a good 10 degrees warmer. Yes, actually 17 degrees. That night we chose to stay in a motel. Luxury, again. 

Glad we did as we both were exhausted from keeping warm the night before.

Fortunately the Ford f-250 has an efficient heating system and within minutes of getting back on the highway we were thawed out.

Some wonderful sights along the way. Mt. Whitney, the Alabama Hills, lots of snow on the mountains and long vistas across the high deserts of Nevada. Stopping on the overlook of Lake Mono was pleasant. Dante, again, showed his interest in surveying the landscape by stopping and looking off across the lake and desert.

We then headed for "Dirty-Sock-Hot-Springs" (yes, it is on the map) only to find a dismal spot with broken glass all around, scuzzy on the water to the west edge and lukewarm water on the eastern edge. Near the middle was some bubbling and steam and if I had cared would probably found some good warm mineral rich water about 10 feet from the bank. I had images of cutting my feet open on broken glass and not having anyone to help me deal with the damage. Dante would be glad to give it a try with his licks but that would be too much to ask of him.

So we gave my brother in Riverside a call and cleared the way for our getting to his place around 5 pm. 

Traffic was awful on the stretch further south as we came closer to civilization (somehow it doesn't fit, does it, to consider pollution, overpopulation and overconsumption as "civilization"). And, I was reminded why I live and choose to live in Northern California. 

Several days of visiting my brother and his family, such warm and loving people, was a great joy. 

The next night he had a Gold Prospectors of America, meeting and I gladly accepted his invitation to attend. I liked the feeling of the 30 or more people in attendance and JOINED! So, I paid my dues, received my starter kit and now have access to hundreds of claims throughout the US. Including a bunch near Nevada City and all along the Sierras. 

I had some doubts but was assured that responsible mining with sluice systems cleaned up the water ways and provided more spawning grounds for fish. 

Interesting that in Nevada City there are BLM lands that used to be old mining claims that were surrendered, and then become public lands. And, that one can again "claim" the land for mining. Interesting!

So, the next afternoon after some very pleasant visits with Bruce, his wife Nan, Shell Sea there daughter and her daughter Hailey, as well as a short visit by Sonya and her son, Bison, we, Dante and I, headed for El Cajon, where my sister Judy and her family reside.

As always we were warmly received by Judy and Ron and have been enjoying many pleasant times and experiences since arriving. Last night we decorated the Christmas tree. To help were daughter Melissa and her boys, James and Evan, Michael and his daughter Shana, her husband, Clayton and their son Michael. The tree had been installed the afternoon before by Ron and I.

All of this activity, the plans and experience of travel, the cold and snow, the visits and treats, the dinners and gifts and the tree and decorating, etc. are very familiar to me. New for Dante but he certainly has enjoyed himself, especially with his new found relatives, Mercedes and Charlie. I do believe he and Mercedes are the most closely connected than any dog he has had the good fortune to be with. They play, sleep, eat, run, etc. as if old friends; or, new lovers. Regardless he is one happy puppy. Maybe just happy to not be freezing in Minden!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

All is well that does not end well!


Well, Dante and I were well on our way to hit the hot springs around Mammoth when after stopping for a respite in Nevada City to visit Joanne we discovered that our right rear axle seal is leaking (for the third time)! Ouch. 

But, we want to head down 395 tomorrow before it rains/snows!

Oh well, the upside is, we get to spend more time with Joanne in Nevada City. 

It will take maybe a week to find the problem and maybe replace the rear axle, if needed.

And, Joanne would really like for me to go with her to her brother's house to continue to deal with some of her parents "stuff" that is in a "pod"!

Okay! No problem. 

Since I am on sabbatical or retired or whatever there is not any place I need to be at tomorrow or next week or the next. I did tell my sister I would be in San Diego area for Christmas and I will make that!

And, if we are lucky we will still be able to hit one or two of the hot springs along the way.

So, many of you may be thinking, how can Scott be so up-beat about being divorced?

Yes, how can I be?

It took a bit of doing to reframe and find a positive spin that allows me to maintain my happiness quotient!

It is just that it is so much more fun to have fun than to have not fun. Like cross-country skiing at Royal Gorge near Tahoe. And, maybe more than once, depending on how long it takes to get my rig fixed.

And, besides, what is to not like about being free to go where I want when I want? And, to do so in such a way that I carry most of my essential gear with me. 

Such gear as:
     A wardrobe
     Cooking gear
     Lots of good sleeping gear including a tent
     Stuff for Dante
     Skiing equipment and clothing
     Materials for up-grading the Avion
     A bunch of hats (I am a hat person kind of guy)
     Some shamanic gear
     Clarinet, flutes, harmonica
     Outdoor gear

My rig allows for ultimate flexibility. I can be visiting in towns or camping out in the wilds. 
Sleeping on the ground or in the Avion. Skiing or swimming. And, on and on.

So, what is to feel sorry for myself? No need as I can choose to be happy and to move my life and energy in that direction.


Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Rules for the One Gate in Front of Us!

One Frontal Gate

Yes, there are rules for having only one gate in front of us!

Alignment, Harmony, Balance and Clear Intention! Trust and Love!

The more we keep our focus on what it is we are in quest of the fewer choices there are in front of us.

When we are clear. I mean, Really Clear! On what it is we desire then All falls into place.

And, we must request and secure the Guidance of the Angels. We can not do it on our own.

So, what Angels?  

The Archangels?

Who  knows. I certainly am not sure. I am sure that my Ancestors have a hand in where I am headed, especially when I request that they be there for me.

      "Ancestors, guide me, lead me by my hand.
        Ancestors, heal me, help me to become whole.
        Ancestors, speak to me, let me know what you desire.
                You have given me so much, may you give me more."

The alignment of Gates in front of us!

Picture this. At one point the Gates are numerous and spread out all over the terrain! 

And, at another instant, with our clarity they come into alignment and . . . it is as if there is only ONE GATE IN FRONT OF US!

     If we are not clear in our intention the Gates are not aligned. So, we go from this to that and the other to thither!
    If we are clear then all of the archetypal mysteries work with us. Think, Tarot! Think, Grimes Fairy Tales, Think cartoons. Think Religions, Philosophies, Belief Systems of one kind or another.

The choices are deep and wide and when we are clear they come into alignment!

 If we are uncertain then the boogies and monsters show themselves and throw us off of our mark.

Trust and Love! 
Happiness and Gratitude!
Letting go and Letting God!

These and a few others are our guideposts.

Look for Omens and Confirmations (Thank  you Carlos Castanada!).

     "Ask, and you shall receive." 

Back to opening up our third eyes!

    Yes, maintaining presence is so important. When we do, we are aware of our intentions and on the look out for guidance from the All. 

It is this guidance that gets us to where we are destined to arrive: Cosmic Consciousness!

We are destined to become enlightened, in this life time or another. So, we might as well cultivate the arts and skills that promote this . . . and, resign ourselves to the task!

Sunday, November 15, 2015



There is not one door in front of us each instant!

There is only one door from which we have entered into this instant!

There are an infinite number of doors and Universes in front of us!

Confronted with what lies before us we can either abdicate our personal choices, preference, decisions, obligations, etc. or we can intentionally be selective in our decision process with respect to which door we will open.

We can follow the dictates of our personal histories or we can craft, as the Lords of Old, exactly what it is we want, need and desire.

Will be be tethered to all of the mythologies, personal histories, cultural, racial, village, familial, and PTSD delayed grieving mandates?

Or, will be open to the guidance of the Angels, the wisdom of All that we know and the mandates of those paradigms of enlightenment, manifestations, healing and self-realization that we have been gifted with over the, very significantly, the past small number of decades?

This is the challenge.

Ancestors, help me to heal the Wounds of the Past that I may consciously and intentionally open those doors and enter through that lead to healing, health, happiness and wholeness. May I become Whole, Wholesome and Holy!

Blessings on All!